Zero Hour Contract Templates Uk

In practice, this means that if you don`t have a job for someone with a zero-hour contract, there`s no need to pay them for a certain number of hours just because they have a contract. They are only paid for hours worked. Workers work under an employment contract and have more rights than employees, including protection against unfair dismissal and emergency leave. If you`re wondering “What is a zero-hour contract?”, look no further, we`ve put together a clear explanation to help you understand, which you can check out here. A worker with a zero-hour contract is entitled to annual leave (presumed pay), sick pay, the national minimum wage and the national living wage. They do not normally have the status of “worker”, which would allow them to claim unfair dismissal, maternity compensation and leave, flexible work or a legal minimum dismissal. The types of work that zero-hour contracts can use include: Zero-hour contracts are often used when the demand for labor fluctuates, for unexpected or short-term events, or for on-call/bank work. As mentioned earlier, rights depend on employment status – workers have more rights than employees. But every worker on a zero-hour contract is entitled to: workers are people who are contractually obliged to work personally for a company and to be somewhere between workers and self-employed workers in terms of workers` rights.

Try: If you meet the legal requirements, you are entitled to statutory sickness benefit (SSP) for the duration of the illness for your agreed hours. The main difference between a zero-hour contract and an employment contract is that a zero-hour contract does not require an employer to offer work or employees to accept it. This section explains what happens if one of you wants to cancel the contract and if there is a notice period. For each [x hours worked], you are entitled to a break of [x hours/x minutes]. It doesn`t help that the terms “casual worker” and “zero-hour worker” are often used interchangeably, and there is no definitive definition of what constitutes a zero-hour contract. It is therefore important that employers use the right contract to meet their requirements. Depending on your contract and situation, you may be legally classified as an employee and have more employee rights. It`s a good idea to check your employment status with your contract.

People on zero-hour contracts have the same rights to rest and rest as other employees and you are responsible for their health and safety. You also pay them through PAYE, minus income tax and social security. Try: This contract sets out the necessary terms agreed between you and the company as to how and when you will perform your work. If you change the contract, be sure to read it to make sure there are no conflicts or ambiguities – if you`re not sure, talk to a lawyer. A clear zero-hour contract is crucial if a company wants to hire casual workers when they are needed and is unable to promise a certain number of days or hours of work or future work. A good zero-hour contract covers key areas, such as the practical modalities for offering and performing the work, as well as clauses you would typically see in an employment contract, such as location, working hours, vacation, payroll, and redundancy agreements. Exclusivity clauses in zero-hour contracts are now prohibited and unenforceable. Below are a few areas to focus on and some sample phrases you might want to use when designing your own zero-hour contracts. It`s a good idea to seek additional advice from an employment lawyer. For more information about creating general employment contracts, see What should you include in an employment contract? Here you specify the type of contract of the person – in this case, whether it is a zero-hour worker or a zero-hour employee.

Try: If you no longer wish to work with us, please inform [designated person] and we will terminate your contract [with immediate effect or with a specific notice period] If you have a zero-hour contract, your employer is not allowed by law: you will receive [x £] per hour for the hours you work, less taxes and social security deductions. A zero-hour contract has advantages for both employers and employees. Try it: Your vacation entitlement is equal to 12.07% of the hours you work each vacation year. We charge proportionately, based on the number of hours worked. The use of this contract allows employers to maintain a pool of workers to fill temporary positions as they arise. These people are employees, not self-employed, because there is a comprehensive contract that covers the periods when they are not working. If both parties are mutually obligated and thus establish a mutual obligation, the employee may also be an employee with all the protection rights of the associated employees. We`ve partnered with Farillio to provide you with a free zero-hour contract template.

Farillio is a resource website that provides businesses with document downloads and other tools to help them move forward. It`s best to consider the terms of the contract and how your employee works in practice and seek professional advice if you`re not sure about anything.
